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About ad groups

This page provides high-level information about working with ad groups in Peacock Ad Manager.

Ad group workflow 

Once you’ve targeted your audience and selected inventory, enter your ad group parameters. You can change ad group setting at any time, even after campaign launch. 

After launching a campaign, you must manually activate the ad groups in order to spend. All ad groups are in Pending status by default, and the system doesn’t automatically activate ad groups on a campaign.  

See Ad group status for more information. 

View a list of ad groups 

To view a list of all ad groups for a Paused or Active campaign, click the campaign name in the Active Campaigns list. The Ad Groups list for that campaign appears.


To view ad groups for Draft campaigns, click the campaign name to open the campaign. Click the ad group in the left navigation bar to open details for the ad group. Use the navigation buttons in the built-in workflow to navigate and make updates as needed. 


Ad group delivery

The Delivering column helps you quickly identify which ad groups on the campaign are delivering as expected.

  • 🟢 Delivering

  • 🔴 Not delivering

  • ⚪ Ad group is draft/inactive

Ad group status 

All ad groups have one of the following statuses: 

  • Pending Created but never activated for the campaign.  

  • Active Activated for the campaign. 

  • Paused Previously active ad group, but currently not being used. 

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