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Demographic targeting 

You can reach your potential customers by targeting demographics and consumer behaviors and interests. All demographic targeting is at the household level. 


Demographic targets are a combination of gender, age, and household income.

  • Gender (female, male, or all) 

  • Age (18-65+) 

  • Household income (less than $30k-$250k+)


Females aged 35-55 with a household income above $75k.

Behaviors and interests 

Target customers based on their past behaviors across websites, apps, and campaigns using behavior and interest targeting. The available options in Peacock Ad Manager come from our third-party data partners and may change over time. 


  • Gaming 

  • Travel 

  • Food delivery enthusiasts 

  • Online shopper 

  • Likely truck buyer 

Advanced demos 

Advanced demos go deeper into customer interests and behaviors, enabling you to target your campaigns in a more specific way than standard demographics or location. The available options in Peacock Ad Manager come from our third-party data partners and may change over time. 


  • BBC drama lovers 

  • Dog lovers 

  • Home value 1M+ 

  • New parents 

  • New movers 

Selected behaviors and advanced demos are combined with selected demographics; however, only one behavior/advanced demo is targeted at a time.


Demographics = Male, 25-45+, HHI $50k-$100k

Behaviors/interests = Casual gamers

Advanced demos = Dog lovers

Your ads show on content that matches your demo plus either casual gamers or dog lovers. The system targets the behavior/interest with the most available impressions based on inventory at the time of auction.

Custom behaviors and interest 

For BYOD customers, this is the list of your first-party segments. If you’re not using first-party data, no values will appear in this section. 

Retargeting audience  

For BYOD customers, this is the list of your first-party segments. This is the same list that appears under the Custom behaviors heading on the Behaviors & Interests tab. If you’re not using first-party data, no values will appear in this section. 

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