A/B test Compare two versions of an ad to determine which performs better for an audience.
Ad group An ad group contains one or more ads that share similar targets. You define ad groups using bids, targeting, and delivery options so your ad serves only when the criteria is met.
Agency of Record Agency authorized to purchase advertising time or space on behalf of the company with which they have an agency contract.
Attribution model How much credit each ad interaction gets for your conversions. Attribution models can give you a better understanding of how your ads perform and can help you optimize across conversion journeys.
Linear attribution distributes attribution across all contributing websites
First touch assigns attribution entirely to the first ad exposure
Last touch assigns attribution value entirely to the last ad exposure
See How attribution works in Peacock Ad Manager for more information.
Attribution window Also known as lookback window.The number of days between when a person viewed, clicked, or played your ad and subsequently took an action. The window is a finite period of time during which conversions can be credited to a particular ad and used to inform campaign optimization.
CPA (Cost per action) A type of campaign goal focused on the actions a user takes as a result of being exposed to your ad.
CPM (Cost per mille) A type of campaign goal focused on how many users are exposed to an ad. Specifically, it’s the advertising cost per 1,000 viewers exposed to an ad.
Daily budget The maximum amount you want to spend for an campaign on a per-day basis.
Daypart The generalized timeslots into which the broadcast day is divided for ad scheduling purposes, typically representative of a TV station's programming patterns. Common TV dayparts include prime time, daytime, late night, and early morning.
Evergreen campaign A campaign that is continually relevant and doesn’t have an expiration date.
First-party data (1st-party data) First party data is data a company has collected directly from its audience, whether customer, site visitors, or social media followers. For example, your company’s first-party data is the unique audience information your business has collected directly from your audience.
Frequency cap The maximum frequency you want an ad to run. Frequency caps help prevent over-delivery of your ad to the same household and ensure maximum reach across your target audience.
Geotargeting A way for advertisers to specify the geographic location(s) they do and don’t want their ads to serve.
Lifetime budget Also known as total budget or campaign budget. Total budget for the campaign. If using total budget in Peacock Ad Manager, your campaign must have an end date.
O&O Owned and operated.
Retargeting A digital advertising strategy that involves reaching out to users who have previously interacted with a brand. Targeting pixels are required.
ROAS (Return on ad spend) A campaign goal focused on determining the value you’re getting out of your digital marketing campaigns.
RON (Run of Network) – A digital ad buy in which placements may appear on any page of any site within the publisher's network of sites (i.e., placement is at the discretion of the publisher across their sites).