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Ways to build a campaign

There are two ways to build a campaign in Peacock Ad Manager: quick-start and from scratch.

To get started, log in to Peacock Ad Manager and click + Create Campaign.

Screenshot of the Create Campaign button in the header bar of Peacock Ad Manager.



🚧 This feature is coming soon 🚧

Build From Scratch


What it is

End-to-end automated campaign setup that maximizes your delivery outcomes with less manual input.

Traditional end-to-end manual campaign setup with advanced campaign and ad group configuration options.

How it works

Using this workflow, you can launch an NBCU streaming campaign in minutes using Peacock Ad Manager’s intelligent targeting, budget allocation, and bid strategy recommendations throughout the process. You can still fine-tune any settings needed along the way.

Using this workflow, you’ll manually set targeting options, budget allocation, bid strategy, and more, but will still have access to automated recommendations, where available

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